HONJOH HIDEJIRO 三味線奏者、本條秀慈郎 – avex Recital Series 2019
HONJOH Hidejiro was selected as one of the Japan Cultural Envoys in 2017, through which he held performances around the world. His New York performance, received high acclaim by the New York Times. He has collaborated with various international contemporary ensembles and was recently featured in an album of Ryuichi Sakamoto and Dai Fujikura. He strives to create new types of shamisen music and has commissioned numerous new pieces for shamisen. HONJOH has been the recipient of various awards and prizes, including the 70th Arts Festival New Face Award by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and was the first shamisen performer to receive the prestigious Idemitsu Music Award in 2014 and the Kyoto Aoyama Music Award in 2018. In 2016, HONJOH was chosen as the Japan-United States Arts Program/ Asian Cultural Council Kimpei Nakamura Fellow. Director Yukio Ninagawa describes of HONJOH Hidejiro: “His performance is at times graceful and delicate, but also tempestuous, powerful and fiery - it stirs one’s deepest emotion.”
HONJOH has studied both classical and contemporary style of shamisen under the tutelage of world -renowned shamisen performer and pioneer, HONJOH Hidetoro, and has graduated from Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music, where he now serves as an Adjunct Instructor. グローバルに活躍中の三味線奏者、本條秀慈郎氏はロンドンでの演奏は今回で2度目になる。2017年の坂本龍一氏のアルバム「async」にもゲストとしてコラボレーションを果し、数々の賞を受賞するなど、日本の伝統的楽器でコンテンポラリー音楽を生み出す若きパイオニアである。今回もその実力を惜しみなくロンドンで披露してくれるであろう。
Marios Joannou Elia: RED - world premiere/ Dai Fujikura: neo/ Ryuichi Sakamoto: New piece - title TBC/ Vijay Iyer: Jiva/ Kenjiro Urata: Hekitan II for shamisen/ Yuji Takahashi: Hamlet to be or not (bass shamisen/ recite.) Saturday 6 July 2019 1 PM Tickets £18/ £12
Wigmore Hall 36 Wigmore Street W1U 2BP
020 7935 2141 (non-refundable £4.00 administration charge)
www.wigmore-hall.org.uk (non-refundable £3.00 administration charge) 2019年7月6日(土)1時 開演
チケット:£18/学生 £12
HONJOH Hidejiro was selected as one of the Japan Cultural Envoys in 2017, through which he held performances around the world. His New...